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Poetas malditos
Thursday, June 15, 2006,8:53 PM
No doubt - Suspension without suspense
My divorce
from dependence
that's when you found me
I was still soft
and we always
were in trouble
odds stacked against us
and trouble's what we are
we get so far
and then it just starts rewinding
and the same old song
we're playing it again
suspension without suspense

Now that
I've murdered
your inspiration
and I forced you off
do you hate me?
do you want revenge?
I want to call you,
but I won't
we get so far
and then it just starts rewinding
and the same old song
we're playing it again
suspension without suspense

On the pesimistic
protection plan
moderation loving
I've been hardened by the circumstance
we knew this was coming
(this was coming)
we get so far
and then it just starts rewinding
and the same old song
we're playing it again
suspension without suspense

We get so far
and then it just starts rewinding
and the same old song
we're playing it again and again
suspension without suspense
intentions without intent
but I don't want the love we have to end
posted by vylia
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