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Name: vylia
From: Colombia
Location: San Carlos de Bariloche, Rio Negro, Argentina
About me: Someone called me the jellyfish of sand... maybe it's the plain truth or the most attractive lie.
My eyes
empty box
write what you want here or just delete it :)
Diseño por: Pannasmontata
Descargado en Plantishas para Blogger
Poetas malditos
Monday, January 12, 2009,12:12 PM
New Found Glory - Head on collision
I've been waiting for a good day
I've been holding back long enough
I've been hurting to tell you some things
it's not the falling of the temperature
that's making all our bones run cold
it's the breeze you make
the presence felt when you're around me

and it feels like I'm at an all-time low
slightly bruised and broken
from our head on collision
I've never seen this side of you
another tragic case of feeling
bruised and broken
form our head on collision
I've never seen this side of you
another tragic case

and I'm still waiting for a good day
I think I've held this long enough
I think it's safe to tell you some things
it's not just what you say to people
and it's not the way you look at me
it's the way you present yourself
for all your worst critics to see

and it feels like I'm at an all-time low
slightly bruised and broken
from our head on collision
I've never seen this side of you
another tragic case of feeling
bruised and broken
form our head on collision
I've never seen this side of you
another tragic case

then you were gone
you were gone
all this time you just didn't know it yet
you were gone
all this time you just didn't know it yet
you were gone

and it feels like I'm at an all-time low
slightly bruised and broken
form our head on collision
I've never seen this side of you
another tragic case of feeling
bruised and broken
from our head on collision
I've never seen this side of you
another tragic case
another tragic case of feeling
bruised and broken
another tragic case and I've been
still waiting for a good day
still waiting for a good day
posted by vylia
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